I love many things wholeheartedly; writing, painting, dancing, singing, drawing, choreographing, science, chemistry, biology, math, algebra, linguistics, especially sociolinguistics!I love languages and am currently learning Spanish and Korean.I want to learn as many as I can in my lifetime and travel as many places as I can go.I love learning about cultures! I seem like a happy person, but that’s from years of depression.I grew to be positive to have a better life.I’m very thankful to be alive!

Describe yourself, and Mimi will choose a flower for you

I would offer you not ONE but TWO.  Red and yellow roses together. When held together they represent Joy, happiness and excitement. 

I am glad you are alive too ^^

Hi Mimi, can u tell my flower too? I really love to make people happy, i try my best to help whenever i can, and i just love my friends so much. Im very emotional, i can cry over everything. I love drawing and ive been drawing over a year and more but im still insecure about it.. i sometimes overthink too much.. i really care about what people think about me, and i care about what i say to people i dont want to hurt anyone. And simple things can make me really happy 😅😊

Describe yourself, and Mimi will choose a flower for you

I would offer you Lilly Of The Valley. It symbolizes:  Sweetness, humility, returning happiness and Trust. And these seem to be good traits of yours ^^.  Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) is a fragrant flowering plant used in religious ceremonies, world celebrations, perfumes and in gardens. Also known as the Maylily, it means “return to happiness” and most often symbolizes chastity, purity, happiness, luck, and humility.

i’m usually quiet and kind of awkward, but i always try to see the positive side of things and be positive myself ! i can’t talk to people unless they talk to me first because otherwise i’ll think they’re just not interested in talking to me, but i love hearing people talk and i love listening and getting to know more about them!

Describe yourself, and Mimi will choose a flower for you

Magnolia – represent dignity and elegance. If its flower is white, it is a sign of innocence. If the magnolia flower is pink it symbolizes shyness, and usually is given to girls who have not yet met their true love.

Even though the magnolias are extremely attractive (and this fact alone could suffice for their popularity), what draws attention to them, in addition to their beauty, is what these flowers represent and the significance of these in different cultures.

Hmmm well I consider myself a weirdster which consists of me always making stupid expressions and puns and being silly (cause I love making others laugh) I also love anything that allows me creativity (art, music, dance, fashion, etc) Annnnd I’ve been told I have a serious face but can be pretty charming when I want to be 😎😏

Describe yourself, and Mimi will choose a flower for you

You seem very lovable and charming. So I would choose to offer you: ROSES Musk Cluster. They are very beautiful roses. They may be small but their smell makes many love them. Even if you make weird expressions all the time I am sure many people think you are beautiful 

For the flower game! So I’m always willing to learn and ask when I want to know something. Tho for most people I appear rather childish. I often try to watch what I say and try to help if I can. “Sadly” I’m not that social and prefer to stay at home and draw, watch cartoons etc.

Describe yourself, and Mimi will choose a flower for you

You seem like someone who loves knowledge. So I would offer you the traditional blue iris. It symbolizes knowledge.  This elegant, long flower used to symbolize for the Greeks the connection between heaven and earth. As such, one of the ideas that symbolize is knowledge and wisdom.

The iris’s history is rich, dating back to Ancient Greek times when the Greek Goddess Iris, the messenger of the gods and the personification of the rainbow, acted as the link between heaven and earth. Purpleirises were planted over the graves of women to summon the Goddess to guide the dead in their journey. Ancient Egyptian kings marveled in the iris’s exotic nature, and drawings have been found of the flower in a number of Egyptian palaces. During the Middle Ages, the meaning of irises became linked to the French monarchy, and the Fleur-de-lis eventually became the recognized national symbol of France. From their earliest years, irises were used to make perfume and as a medicinal remedy. Today, they are primarily seen in gardens, in bouquets, and in the wild all over the world.

So just like this flower that is very loved and appreciated I hope you will be like that too 

Hey Mimi. It’s my first time sending an ask to you. Guess I just wanted to let it out? Had my finals today. Nearing the end I was fighting time to finish up the last 20-mark question. Long story short, I didn’t manage to. What makes me mad is the fact that I’ve done questions similar to that, and I’m even more mad because I actually know how to do it. I cried right after because I know I’d let myself down. I just hope what I’d done was enough to cover what I didn’t get to do and clear the paper.


This happens, dear. But don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s not good.